Comparing Porcelain Vs. Composite Resin Veneers – What’s Right For Me?

Two of the most common cosmetic dentistry treatments are porcelain veneers and composite resin veneers, also called “dental bonding.” If you’re interested in restoring your smile in Mount Pleasant, you may be wondering which procedure is right for you. In this blog from Advanced Dentistry of Mount Pleasant, we’ll discuss the differences, pros, and cons of each treatment. 

Treatment Time

Composite resin veneers are faster than porcelain veneers. This is because your veneer can be built directly onto your tooth. In contrast, porcelain veneers require you to have molds taken of your teeth at one appointment. Then, these are sent to a lab where your porcelain veneers are built. You’ll need to come back to have them permanently attached to your teeth.

It usually takes just 1 appointment to get composite resin veneers, while porcelain veneers will take at least 2 appointments over a period of several weeks. If you want fast results, composite resin may be a better choice for restoring your smile.

Durability & Longevity

Porcelain is a lot more durable than resin. Porcelain veneers can last between 10-20 years, making them the most long-lasting method of cosmetic dentistry. In contrast, composite resin usually lasts somewhere between 5-8 years. 


Composite resin veneers have the advantage here. Because they can be placed in one appointment and don’t require the use of a dental lab, they’re a lot cheaper than porcelain veneers. They usually cost about half as much as porcelain veneers, though this can vary depending on the dentist and the specifics of your case.

However, the long lifespan of porcelain veneers does mean that these treatments tend to be about equal in cost in the long run. Still, porcelain veneers do have a higher up-front treatment cost, patients should keep this in mind.

Aesthetic Results

Regardless of whether you choose composite resin veneers or porcelain veneers, your smile will look amazing. Dr. Candice Vinson will match your new teeth to the color of your old teeth, cover up flaws, and provide you with a truly picture-perfect smile.

The one difference is that porcelain is a bit more resistant to staining. It’s completely nonporous, so it will never be stained. While it’s unlikely with proper oral hygiene, composite resin could become stained over time. 


Composite veneers do not usually require the removal of any of your natural enamel, while porcelain veneers do. This means that porcelain veneers are not a reversible procedure. Once you get them, you must commit to having them forever. If your porcelain veneers were to be removed, this would negatively affect your oral health. This is not a bad thing, though, especially since porcelain veneers have such a long lifespan and are very durable.

In contrast, composite resin veneers are built directly onto your teeth, and do not require the removal of enamel in most cases. This means they’re less invasive. And while it’s rare for patients to choose to do this, the treatment can actually be reversed.

Interested In Porcelain Or Composite Veneers? Contact Us Today!

If you’d like to explore your options for cosmetic dentistry in Mount Pleasant, Dr. Vinson and our team are here to help. We specialize in smile makeovers at Advanced Dentistry of Mount Pleasant. To learn more, schedule a consultation by giving us a call at (843) 936-1690 or contacting us online. Dr. Vinson is always accepting new patients, so get started today!